2015 will kick off with the Lincoln-Douglas debate resolution “Resolved: A Just Government Ought to Require Employers to Pay a Living Wage.” Today, we’re releasing our guide to building a solid case, so you can start your second semester off strong! This topic breakdown covers key arguments for both the affirmative and negative sides of the debate.
LD January-February 2015 Topic Guide
Need more help? Send us your case for a free, confidential, personalized critique. To submit a case, email Rachel [dot] Stevens [at] NCPA [dot] org with your case(s) attached as a .doc file.
So what is the source of your topic guide.
When are you going to post the January guide for PF?!?!
You are showing favoritism to LD when PF is clearly better 🙁
I don’t really think that is fair. Both styles of debate are great, and better for certain people.
Just a quick question. How many cases do you people get per week to Critique?
It depends on the week, but the volume is high. At least 30 or so requests, many of which contain 2+ cases (aff & neg, sometimes multiple versions). We try to do a thorough job, which is time-consuming. We currently only have one person (myself- hi!) doing them, along with balancing other important work. As a result, they are coming back to you a little slower than usual right now. I thank all of you for your patience, and I promise all submitted cases will receive a response ASAP.
Hopefully I’m doing this right:
I was doing research on the topic, and I came across this page. I noticed the “free, confidential, personalized critique” and got interested, but the link seems to be dead. Is it no longer offered, or do I need to be signed up for something else to access it?
This resolution sucks.
Haha, are you kidding me. If you think this resolution sucks then you, my friend, are one sincerely incompetent debater. You must lose tons of rounds with that attitude. There is no resolution that sucks, it just depends on your ability to manipulate the resolution to fit within your individual level of expertise. Ultimately if you have an adequate link you can make any argument that you are comfortable with.
No it doesn’t there is sooooo much info for it. The one for State Quals in WA sucks though!!!!
Resolved: Just Governments ought to Ensure Food Security For Their Citizens.
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