Debate Central is an online resource created and maintained by the National Center for Policy Analysis for high school CX, LD and PF debaters. Our primary objective is to provide students from disadvantaged and low-income school districts with cost-free access to the best debate material available.
We think debate teaches students like you incredibly valuable skills. Unfortunately, tens of thousands of students who participate in debate lack the resources to compete successfully. They enter competition as underdogs—they are smart and they work hard, but they can’t afford the information that prepares them to win. Debate Central levels the playing field for low-income and geographically isolated students—helping them to compete and win!
In so doing, we work to expose debaters to multiple perspectives on each topic and equip them with a deeper, well-rounded understanding of major public policy issues.
We provide high school students with hundreds of links to relevant resources, background materials from leading scholars and access to advice from a diverse array of experts.
The website is an invaluable service for high school debaters nationwide, as well as hundreds of thousands of students in high school speech and government classes. The content is offered to debaters at no charge, making Debate Central the largest free collection of information targeted to high school debaters.