Debate Central does not necessarily endorse the views or authors presented in these cards.
Space Topic Updates
The National Debate Coaches Association Open Evidence project contains thousands of free files from every major debate institute in the country!
Free Card Friday!
Free Card Friday is a service where we post free evidence the Friday before a major tournament. We focus on the most in-demand arguments and provide important new evidence to help update debaters. We have covered several hot topics this year, such as:
Space Weaponization:
- Weaponization Is/Is Not Happening
- International Cooperation Is/Is Not Happening
- The Code of Conduct: Part 1 The Code of Conduct: Part 2
- Chinese Weaponization
- Asian Space Race
American Hegemony:
Political Agenda (Politics):
Link Uniqueness:
Military Topic Updates
Korea Update
Check out an update of our Korea file here!
Iraq Updates
This file will help you debate uniqueness on an Iraq affirmative.
Afghanistan Counter-Narcotics Affirmative
This case decreases military deployment by ending all counter-narcotics missions in Afghanistan. This case has two primary advantages: insurgency in Afghanistan and government legitimacy.
Diplomatic Capital Disadvantage
The diplomatic capital disadvantage addresses the foreign policy implcations of the affirmative plan.
South Korea Affirmative
The affirmative case in this file focuses on South Korea and argues that the United States should phase out its military presence in the country.
Older Files
Enterprise Programs
This file will give you cards to create a case or counterplan based on Enterprise Programs.
Fiscal Discipline DA
This file includes a negative fiscal discipline disadvantage and affirmative answers.
States Counterplan and Federalism DA
This file includes a states counterplan which has the 50 states adopt the mandates of the affirmative plan to solve the case and a federalism disadvantage which argues the plan will upset the balance of power between the states and the federal government. The file also includes affirmative answers to the counterplan and disadvantage.
Community Health Centers
Download this file for affirmative and negative evidence on Community Health Centers.
This file contains affirmative and negative evidence on Medicaid for the poverty topic.
Taxpayer Choice
Use this file to build a taxpayer choice case.
Welfare Negative
Negatives can use this file against affirmative cases that expand welfare payments.
Trade Bad by Chris Burk
This file is useful in two major ways. First, it provides direct answers to many arguments found in the Trade Counterplan available from debate-central during the Fall 2007 semester. Second, it provides impact arguments against ‘free trade’ and the World Trade Organization (WTO).
Aid Trade-Off Disadvantage by Chris Burk
Debaters can argue that aid to Africa will trade-off with aid to Pakistan with this file.
Soft Power by Chris Burk
This is a useful argument for affirmative teams debating agent counterplans. Only U.S. action can boost U.S. soft power.
Free Trade Counterplan 1.0 by Chris Burk
This counterplan will help negative teams argue that the United States should enact policies to facilitate more trade with Sub-Saharan Africa.
This file will help you in debates on the energy topic
Nuclear Energy
This file contains both affirmative and negative cards on nuclear energy.
This disadvantage argues that certain types of electrical power generation will make grid management much more difficult. This will lead to more blackouts and other disruptions causing the economy to suffer significantly.
States and Federalism by the Comet Debate Institute
This file includes a states counterplan and affirmative answers.
Global Warming by the Comet Debate Institute
This file will be very useful to debaters this year and includes cards arguing that global warming is good and global warming is bad.
RPS Affirmative by the Comet Debate Institute
Follow the link to a renewable portfolio standards affirmative case.
RPS Competitiveness Advantage by the Comet Debate Institute
Use this competitiveness advantage with the RPS affirmative posted above.
Energy Topicality by the Comet Debate Institute
This file will help you in topicality debate.
Carbon Tax Affirmative by Chris Burk
This 100 page file includes a 1AC and extensions!
Energy Topicality by the University of Richmond National Debate Institute
The University of Richmond donated this file to help you begin your research on the new topic!
Peak Oil Answers by Chris Burk
This file will help you on the 2008-2009 Energy topic!
Oil 2.0
This 50 page file will help affirmative and negative debaters win debates on oil. Chris provides cards on the in-depth discussions on the oil market that occur at the end of the year.