As August comes to a close, Debate Central is organizing a month’s worth of free online lectures, evidence and links. We hope these help you get off to a very successful start to the debate season!
LAST UPDATED: 8-31-2011, 9:17am Central
Long pieces on debate and debate strategy
It is important to take a unique approach as the year begins. Learn to explore creativity in debate in our newest article.
When many debaters skip the “Solvency” contention they’re missing huge opportunities to win debates.
Topicality is a tricky subject at the start of the year. Learn how to answer it by studying Copeland Award-winning debaters.
The politics DA is also a negative go-to strategy at the start of the year. Learn how to effectively defeat it with “thumpers.”
Answering Epistemology and Discourse arguments that are made in association with critiques.
A host of techniques and tips to win that there isn’t a net benefit to the counterplan because it links to the disadvantage. Process CPs usually reign supreme at the start of the year.
Debate Theory and Practice
A collection of all the available camp lectures and notes.
New laptop stand for paperless debate?
Watch a riveting discussion of debate theory and strategy featuring some of debate’s most legendary coaches. A must-watch for any true debate nerd.
The NFHS has announced the slate of the five finalists for the 2012-2013 resolution.
Big News on Big Impacts
Following America’s credit downgrade, a host of free new evidence on the sustainability of U.S. hegemony has been written. Despite those challenges, some argue the U.S. will remain the engine of the global economy.
Scientists believe the presence of Co2 and the greenhouse gas effect may make other planets more habitable for future human life. This follows on the heels of a humongous 430-page report suggesting warming is good.
An incredible series by the New Scientist on human existence.
Affirmative Ideas
Many argue that major investments in American space policy might be the best way to catalyze American competitiveness in math and science education.
New demonstrations of the TacSat4 boost the future prospects of Operationally Responsive Space.
A host of new articles suggest American space dominance is vital to its global power, while others challene the need for panic.
Meanwhile, others worry that America may be losing its space leadership. This could drive a mass exodus of scientists. Many are enraged at Obama for scaling back space policy.
Should the U.S. join in the creation of the Solar Kilometer Array (SKA) telescope?
Is it possible to build new fueling stations in space? Some scientists think so.
Critics claim NASA is bureaucratic and inefficient. Supporters respond that recent evidence proves they may actually be too thrifty.
Following the Russian Soyuz mishap, pressure in Congress for a new HLV is growing.
Antimatter propulsion might not be as crazy as it sounds.
Negative Ideas
Most affirmatives respond to the privatization counterplan by suggest NASA and the private sector work together. The combination of the two may be worse than either alone.
While many long for the good old days, many argue America is still the leader in space development. As many as 10,000 new jobs may soon come online. Meanwhile, the U.S. continues to innovate.
Some suggest the demise of the dinosaurs occured was caused by an asteroid. New evidence suggests that humans would both predict and survive a future asteroid.
Space debris is a big problem, but what to do about the creation of new debris from developing nations?
Should the entire policy process for space change?
Nuclear propulsion, once a popular idea to fuel rocket launches, is losing steam.
Worried about the demise of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) mission in NASA? “Contact” star Jodie Foster has it back online.
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) may be much more expensive than originally thought.
China and Russia are making major strides on asteroids, putting the U.S. in the backseat. Europe is also moving ahead. No matter who does the work, it will be fraught with peril.
Major Disadvantages
Following a series of major controversies, the Russian aerotech industry is struggling. Meanwhile, America’s Prompt Global Strike is facing its own set of problems, including losing planes in flight.
For the politics DA, a recent poll determines Americans oppose new space exploration, with the margin at 2 to 1. Some theorize this is because of the economic slump. While Obama has demonstrated rhetorical support for space, the walk doesn’t match the talk. Unsurprisinlgy, the Tea Party is taking Obama to task. Other Obama opponents seem unlikely to support any new legislation, even policies they previously pushed. Other polls still find strong support for space policy.
The affirmative could reasonably counter the Elections DA by arguing that space isn’t a major election issue. They could also point out that big donors are switching donations from Obama to Romney at an astounding rate.
Obama’s approval rating has hit an all-time low.
The U.S. and India are in no hurry to pursue space cooperation.
China and Space
China will soon launch a massive space platform called the Tiangong-1. Some are concerned about the implications for military modernization in China and domestic politics in the U.S. The Chinese are undeterred by recent failures and plan to launch it soon. Some even call it a move for space dominance by China. Many are looking for a swift and stern response by the U.S.
New and Amazing Science
A newly discovered planet isn’t unusual; a giant diamond planet that is five times the size of the Earth, however…
Was a rogue planet called Nibiru responsible for the recent earthquakes and hurricanes on the East Coast?
NASA will soon investigate the most “near” of the “near-Earth objects.”
International Space News
Will recent events inspire nations to abandon the ISS? The future of U.S. space policy may hang in the balance.
The future of space cooperation and the National Space Policy.
Iran has recently launched a satellite, a big concern since the same technology can be used to launch warheads.
After years of searching, the Mars rover finally reaches its crater.