Debate Central is proud to announce the second of our 2013 free debate workshop series! You can find the details below the fold:
What: Debate Central, in partnership with the University of Texas-Dallas, is hosting a free, day-long workshop in CX (two levels), LD, and PF (pending enrollment) debate! Each session will cover skills, topic basics, and preparation as well as include a free packet of practice evidence by Debate Central experts! Workshops include day-long instruction as well as a provided lunch.
Who: Any debater or team registered by the deadline is welcome to attend! Workshops are taught by successful area coaches.
When: Saturday, August 24, 2013. Registration is at 9am and student pick-up will be at 4pm.
Where: The University of Texas-Dallas has generously offered their facilities. Come check out a college campus with it’s own successful debate program — right here in DFW!
How: To register, please e-mail lauren (dot) sabino (at) ncpa (dot) org no later than August 20.
If you are registering as a team: The coach should submit registration, including the name and event (PF, LD, CX) for each student via e-mail. Whenever feasible, please do this as soon as possible to guarantee appropriate planning, particularly in Public Forum.
If you are registering as an individual: Please register via a parent or legal guardian by having them e-mail your name and desired event to the address above.
We hope to see you there! If you have any questions about the workshop series, please do not hesitate to e-mail lauren (dot) sabino (at) ncpa (dot) org.
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I would like to register to attend
Eisenhower High school
7922 antoine drive
Houston Texas 77088
Hi Angela,
To complete registration, I need an e-mail with the number of students you intend to bring, the event they’d like to attend, and their level (plus any other pertinent information). We cannot accept registration through the blog comments. Please contact Thank you!