Monthly Archives: March 2013

Latin America “CON” Analysis is Published!

It’s that time again! Debate Central is proud to publish our “con” analysis of April’s public forum topic, Resolved: The continuation of current U.S. anti-drug policies in Latin America will do more harm than good. You can find it below the … Continue reading

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Latin America “PRO” Analysis is Published!

It’s that time again! Debate Central is proud to publish our “pro” analysis of April’s public forum topic, Resolved: The continuation of current U.S. anti-drug policies in Latin America will do more harm than good. You can find it below the … Continue reading

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10 Ways to Win an End-of-Year Championship, Part 2.

10 Ways to Win an End-of-Year Championship, Part 2. Yesterday, we discussed the post-season and how to handle the unique challenges that occur when limited time meets maximum pressure. Today, we inch closer to tournament time with five more tips … Continue reading

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10 Ways to Win an End-of-Year Championship, Part 1.

It’s that time of the season, again! March begins, for many debaters, the commencement of the post-season. For most, there will be some sort of culminating experience such as a city championship, a state championship, a national championship (such as … Continue reading

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CX Tournament Politics Updates — Weekend of 3/8-3/10

Happy weekend! Our Debate Expert, Louie Petit, Assistant Director of UNT Debate, has sent updates for our free immigration disadvantage! You can find them below the fold.

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Lincoln Douglas ‘Negative’ March/April Analysis is published!

Hey, LDers! Debate Central is proud to publish our negative side analysis of the March/April Lincoln-Douglas topic, Resolved: The United States is justified in intervening in the internal political processes of other countries to attempt to stop human rights abuses. You … Continue reading

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Lincoln Douglas ‘Affirmative’ March/April Analysis is published!

Hey, LDers! Debate Central is proud to publish our affirmative side analysis of the March/April Lincoln-Douglas topic, Resolved: The United States is justified in intervening in the internal political processes of other countries to attempt to stop human rights abuses. You … Continue reading

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