Monthly Archives: February 2011

February Topic Overview

Resolved: Wikileaks is a threat to United States national security. Introduction As with most public forum resolutions, the February topic is very timely. You will have no trouble finding plenty of articles online about Wikileaks. There are several terms in … Continue reading

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Judge Adaptation and Tips

Judges have various backgrounds. Some have no experience at all, while others are former TOC champions. If you want to be successful, you need to be able to debate in front of all of them and cater to what they … Continue reading

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Research Strategies and Tips

by David Weeks What is a card? A card is a paragraph or several paragraphs taken from a credible scholarly or journalistic source that proves a specific argument true. It is a word-for-word quotation, without adds (unless bracketed), deletes, paraphrasing, … Continue reading

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Important Terms in Lincoln-Douglas Debate

Understanding debate terminology is essential to excelling in the round.  These terms are not limited to debate.  They are applicable more broadly to assessing ideas and arguments. Affirmative: The side that supports the resolution is affirmative.  The affirmative case explains why … Continue reading

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Tournament Casebooks

NDCA Casebooks (includes Greenhill and Grapevine)

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Debate in the News

Obama’s Speech to Students “Maybe you could be a mayor or a Senator or a Supreme Court Justice, but you might not know that until you join student government or the debate team.” When It Comes to Sisters’ Skills, There’s … Continue reading

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