Special Topic Paper on the 2015-2016 Policy/CX Debate Resolution is Now Published!


Here at Debate Central, we aim to provide debaters with useful, topic-specific research they won’t find anywhere else. That’s why, each year, we commission a paper from an expert in the resolution’s area of controversy.


The 2015-2016 policy (CX) debate topic is “Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially curtail its domestic surveillance.” These debates are certain to deal with difficult questions surrounding how the USFG should best balance the competing interests of privacy and civil liberties with national security and defense. 


This year’s Cross-Ex topic paper was written by former U. S. Congressman and President/CEO of the National Center for Policy Analysis LTC (Ret.) Allen B. West. As both a national security policy expert and a vocal opponent of government overreach, Colonel West offers some unique insights into the topic of domestic surveillance.


Colonel Allen West discusses the balance between liberty and security in a special debate topic paper

Colonel Allen B. West discusses the balance between liberty and security in an exclusive topic paper for Debate Central


Special Topic Paper for CX Debaters: Freedom vs Security in the Context of National Security


We hope you enjoy this special topic paper, and don’t forget to keep checking back at Debate Central for more evidence, tips, and resources throughout the debate season!

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