Monthly Archives: November 2016

U.S./China Natural Gas Trade for Cleaner Skies

China’s government is struggling to halt industrial and automobile pollution, even inspecting barbeques. Heavy winter smog in Beijing and other Chinese cities causes a range of health problems. In addition to coal-burning industries and cars, Beijing is up against mountains holding … Continue reading

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Chinese Firms Floating Steel and Aluminum to U.S. Ports

After learning witches are made of wood, peasants in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, are asked what, besides wood, floats. One peasants asks hopefully: “tiny rocks”? Well there are ways for rocks and other heavy cargo to float, and … Continue reading

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Limit Immunity for Police? Or Protecting Rogue Officers?

The Nov/Dec, 2016 Lincoln-Douglas Debate topic is controversial: “Resolved: The United States ought to limit qualified immunity for police officers.” Lincoln-Douglas debaters should read widely on the police/citizen clashes over the last year, and consider values including, of course, justice and safety. Police working … Continue reading

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The U.S./China Trade Debate and Populist Backlash

Economists Tyler Cowen & Noah Smith at Bloomberg are “Debating Free Trade and the Populist Backlash” (November 1, 2016 1:16 PM EDT). For NSDA (and NCFCA) debaters, the benefits, costs, and pushback on U.S./China trade is at the center of economic … Continue reading

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