Monthly Archives: August 2012

Spending Disadvantage

In keeping with our promise to post more free evidence at 100 “Likes” on Facebook, we have a new file to post! Today’s evidence packet, written by University of Texas at Dallas’ Director of Debate Scott Herndon, is a spending … Continue reading

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Debate Central High Speed Rail Packet

Hi, debaters! We didn’t forget about the Cross-Examination Topic just because we’ve been spending so much time on Lincoln-Douglas and Public Forum. Our debate expert, assistant director of debate at North Texas Louie Petit, has written you a high speed … Continue reading

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Lincoln-Douglas Topic Analysis

Hey Debaters! Debate Central just wrapped up our first workshop of 2012! As part of our workshop series, we distributed a comprehensive topic file for Lincoln-Douglas. For the first time, we’re making our workshop resources available to YOU!

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Announcing the 2012 Young Patriots Essay Contest!

The National Center for Policy Analysis and Debate Central are proud to announce the 2012 Young Patriots Essay Contest! The topic of this year’s essay contest is:  “What is the proper role of the government in insuring people against major … Continue reading

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