Monthly Archives: April 2017

To Live and Breath in Beijing

“Foreign Correspondents as They Live and Breathe,” (New York Times, March 30, 2017) reports on the still deadly air pollution in China: Ian Johnson, a China correspondent, took out his phone to check Air Matters, an app that measures air … Continue reading

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Excess Regulations Hurt U.S. Manufacturing, Boost Chinese Competitors

Manufacturers associations such as the National Association of Manufacturing (NAM) have been wary or hostile to imports, but recognize that for U.S. firms to succeed in world markets they have to compete successfully with foreign firms. An alternative to tariff barriers, … Continue reading

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China and Latin American Economic Integration

China’s booming economy over the last decade has drawn vast quantities of agricultural goods and commodities like iron ore, coal, oil, and copper from around the world. Australia, Indonesia, and Africa are major sources of China’s agriculture and natural resource imports, and so … Continue reading

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China’s New Charter City

From Paul Romer interview with Cloud Yip from iMoney magazine: Q: The idea of Charter Cities originated from Hong Kong and Shenzhen, am I right? Romer: The two most interesting precedents for Charter Cities are Hong Kong and Shenzhen, so … Continue reading

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Firepit for a Friend: “Globalized” U.S. and China

Policy debaters have a U.S./China policy resolution and Texas UIL has a Spring Lincoln-Douglas topic: RESOLVED: In matters of international trade, globalization ought to be valued above protectionism.  Last week I purchased a fire pit for a friend. It was $125 … Continue reading

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Brexit, Texit, Calexit, and the Future of China

Should the U.S. encourage China to further decentralize economic and political authority? Soft or full partition has been advocated for Iraq, Syria, and Libya. The politically-decentralized canton-nation of Switzerland, and past and modern city-states show the success of devolving political authority. Hong Kong and Taiwan, followed … Continue reading

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Ford to Build Electric Cars in China: Good News or Bad?

The Independent reports “Ford to launch plug-in electric car in China as Beijing lays out strict air pollution rules to combat smog,” (April 6, 2017). (See also: “Ford to Make Electric Cars in China Amid Green Drive,” Wall Street Journal, April … Continue reading

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