Monthly Archives: January 2017

Bootleggers and Baptists Agree to Restrict Trade with China

When the President and Congress consider trade legislation, a wide range of interest groups gather to advance their agendas. These agendas are not always obvious, and sometimes corporate and union interests misdirect the public about their motivations. • Unions want to … Continue reading

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For Still-Poor China, Coal Pollution from Home Heating

Rapid industrialization spilled pollution across China’s cities, rivers, and skies. Market-reforms in the 1989s opened first agriculture and Special Economic Zones  (SEZs) like Shenzhen to local enterprise and overseas investors. Market reforms and factories then expanded across China, bringing prosperity but also pollution … Continue reading

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US/China Farm Wars

Bagoly mondja verébnek, hogy nagyfejű. (English version: “Pot calling the kettle black.” Many other cultures here. ) In “United States Challenges Excessive Chinese Support for Rice, Wheat, and Corn” (September, 2016), the Office of US Trade Representative announced new action … Continue reading

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Mismanaged Fisheries Key to South China Sea [updated]

The National Interest offers an “end of the world as we know it” scenario for a potential Trump Administration/China clash: “$5 Trillion Meltdown: What If China Shuts Down the South China Sea?” (July 16, 2016) Rex Tillerson’s Senate confirmation remarks, … Continue reading

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Affirmative Case: Repeal Section 421 Tariffs on Chinese Imports

Affirmative Case:  Repeal Section 421 Tariffs on Chinese Imports Fact 1: Section 421 Tariffs Discriminate Against Chinese Imports Fact 2: Section 421 Tariffs Intended to be Temporary Fact 3: Section 421 Tariffs Remain Authorized by Congress Impact 1: Lower Evidentiary … Continue reading

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U.S./China Relations: Mixing Cooperation with Competition

[NCPA Special Publication: Wednesday, December 28, 2016] by Doug Bandow “Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase its economic and/or diplomatic engagement with the People’s Republic of China.” There is no more important bilateral relationship than that between … Continue reading

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