Monthly Archives: March 2015

April 2015 PF Topic Analysis is Published!

  Public Forum debaters, get those all-important April cases ready with our free guide to the topic, “Resolved: Committing United States ground combat troops to fight ISIL is in the best interest of the United States.” This breakdown features all of the strategy tips … Continue reading

Posted in Free Evidence, Public-Forum | 3 Comments

Summer Debate Camp Guide 2015: Institutes Offering Low-Cost Tuition and Scholarships

    ***This is the Debate Camp Guide for Summer 2015. Click the link to instead view the Debate Camp Guide for Summer 2016.***   Debate camp is a fantastic opportunity for all debaters, regardless of skill level, argumentative style, … Continue reading

Posted in Cross-Examination, Learn, Lincoln-Douglas, Other Resources, Public-Forum | 15 Comments

March 2015 PF Topic Analysis is Published!

  Public Forum debaters, beef up your March cases with our free guide to the topic, “Resolved: In the United States, students should be guaranteed two years of free tuition to a community or technical college.” This breakdown features all … Continue reading

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March/April 2015 LD Topic Analysis is Published!

  Get ready for those important March/April debate tournaments with our free topic guide! This guide offers a thorough introduction to the current Lincoln-Douglas debate topic, “Resolved: A Just Government Ought to Require Employers to Pay a Living Wage.” Our … Continue reading

Posted in Free Evidence, Lincoln-Douglas | 1 Comment