Monthly Archives: August 2014

Free Evidence: Nuclear Power Aff- Full File

    Many of you are still searching for the perfect affirmative case to run on this year’s 2014-2015 policy debate topic, Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase its non-military exploration and/or development of the Earth’s oceans. … Continue reading

Posted in Cross-Examination, Free Evidence | 9 Comments

Free Evidence: Global Warming, Both Directions- Full Files

Frequent Debate Central readers understand the importance of carrying solid, up-to-date impact files. That’s why we want to help you get a jump on a topic policy debaters will likely be debating a lot this season: climate change. Today, we’re … Continue reading

Posted in Cross-Examination, Free Evidence | 4 Comments

There’s Still Time to Sign Up for Our FREE Debate Workshops!

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