Monthly Archives: February 2013

Health Care “CON” Analysis is published!

It’s that time again! Debate Central is proud to publish our “con” analysis of March’s public forum topic, Resolved: The U.S. government should not require its citizens to have health insurance.. You can find it below the fold!

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Health Care “PRO” Analysis is published!

It’s that time again! Debate Central is proud to publish our “pro” analysis of March’s public forum topic, Resolved: The U.S. government should not require its citizens to have health insurance.. You can find it below the fold!

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Weekend Updates: Immigration and Politics

Happy weekend! Our Debate Expert, Louie Petit, Assistant Director of UNT Debate, has sent updates for our free immigration disadvantage! You can find them below the fold.

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7 Ways to Win “Lay” Judges!

On many local circuits (and at times even nationally), you’ll run into “lay judges.” A “lay judge” is any judge with minimal to no debate experience.

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Weekend Updates: Immigration DA

Happy weekend! Our Debate Expert, Louie Petit, Assistant Director of UNT Debate, has sent updates for our free immigration disadvantage! You can find them below the fold.

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